Better Planet

The health of the planet and availability of natural resources are intricately linked to every part of our business. We’re especially focused on acting on climate change, preserving water resources, and eliminating waste.

Environmental Priorities

We have specific areas of focus that are essential to our business, such as climate change, sustainable packaging, regenerative agriculture, preserving water sources and eliminating waste in our operations. Click here to learn more about our environmental priorities.

Climate Change

Climate change has the potential to fundamentally affect how we source our food. Our programs to manage energy use and efficiency through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are of the utmost importance. Progress toward these goals is achieved at the operations, management and individual levels.

Manufacturing Water Conservation

Water is a vital part of our operations and one of our most critical resources. We look for opportunities across the value chain to manage water resources.

Reducing Manufacturing Waste

We’re working strategically in every way possible to reduce the amount of waste we generate in our facilities, to maximize the value of the materials we purchase and to reduce the amount of waste going into landfills.

Learn more about our corporate social responsibility efforts.